Teacher Trinkets

I would always find cool stuff on the internet, and instantly think of ways it could be used in the classroom. I decided to start sharing all that info! Here are tips and tricks, I hope you can find them useful too!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Classroom Blog

I obviously have been lagging in my posts for this blog, but I wanted to share what I have been spending time on in class. I made a blog specifically for my class and have been encouraging my kids to use it and comment on it. We actually spent some time playing some science games, and then I asked each to comment on the game with a tip, a question, or a statement about the game. It's pretty exciting, and it gets the kids used to computers and teaches them to be responsible about computers and the internet. Plus they love using the laptops!

In my 5th grade classes, I am working on teaching them Power Point by assigning them a few words, and having them use PP as flash cards. They will then teach the words to their classmates. We'll see how it goes, I may post some up here!

How do you integrate teaching technology into your curriculum?

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